Using Roles in Cirkus

Using Roles is a great way to collaborate with a group of people performing the same function in a project.
For example, if you have a team of technicians and you have tasks that any of the technicians can pick up, you can assign your task to the “Technician” Roles rather than to an individual.  All the individuals who have that Roles will be notified of the Task, and can pick it up and assign it to themselves.
It’s also possible to mention Roles in comments.  Using Roles in comments can direct a comment to a group of specialists or a team.
You can also make a Booking on a Role if you are not sure who will do the task work you know the skill you need.

Finally you can use Roles to define the work an individual or Resources is booked to do i.e Anne as Technican.
Roles can be assigned to both Members and Resources, and each can have none or multiple Roles.
Let’s see how to do it.

Create Workspace Roles

In order to create a Role, you will first need to create a Workspace and enable Roles within that Workspace . Please refer to our tutorial video on Workspace , or this support article if you don’t know how to create one.
Once you have created your Workspace , click on “Workspaces” in the menu bar, then double click the Workspace name. Next, click on the Roles tab and write the Role name in the “Add Role” field and hit enter.

Once the Role is added, it’s available to assign to Members or Resources
In the Member or Resource Inspector you can select the check box next to the Role or Roles that this person will perform. You can also create new Roles right from this window by clicking on the + sign at the bottom of the Roles section.
The Roles are shown in the Member or Resource cell, and also in parenthesis when assigning Tasks

To see who is in a particular Role, open the Workspace > Team > Role Inspector

Creating Roles within a Project

Roles created in a project will only apply to that Project.
To create a Role to a Project, first double-click on a Project then navigate to the Team>Roles tab and add the Role you want assigned to this project. Note that if the role has already been created in this Workspace, it will be suggested as you type its name.  You can also create a new role from here by typing in a Role name and hit enter. Roles created in a project will only apply to that Project.

Assigning a Task to a Role

Now, you are all set to assign Tasks to Roles and anyone with the Role can pick it up.
You can also select the “multiple assignment” option and assign a single task to both Roles and Members. 

Booking a Role

In the Schedule, you can make a placeholder on a Role row to make a Booking for that Role, or select a Role in the Involved field.
In this case Role members are not notified.

Booking a Member/Resource as Role

You can also Book on a Member or a Resource and use Roles to define the work they will do in the Booking e.g Dennis as “Editor", or Car2 as "Mobile Unit"

To specify the Role, Edit the Event in either the New Booking sheet, or on an existing Booking.

When reassigning a Booking, if the new Member is a Member of the "Booked As" Role, the Role assignment will be maintained. If they are not, it will be cleared.
Booked As Role information is included in all notifications.

Mentioning a Role in a Comment

As mentioned earlier, you can send a comment to a Role , thereby directing your comment to a group. When commenting in the collaboration area, use @ to mention a Role in your comment. Individuals with this Role will receive notification of your message. 

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