Scheduling: Customise your view

There are various options to get the most from your Cirkus Schedule view.

Custom Schedule Views

You can use Custom Views to create a view of the Schedule which is most suitable for your needs, for a team or for a time period.

Views are built from Rows and Sections, and can be Personal or Shared.
Sections can be based on Workspace definitions - like Roles and Groups, or be completely Custom.
Custom Sections can have Subsections.

Versioning Note: Since Cirkus 1.90 version, Custom Views have replaced Filters in the Schedule. All Filters have been migrated to be Views.

If you are using an earlier version of Cirkus you can load your saved Filters but no longer make changes and save them.

Custom View Selector

In the bottom left of your Schedule view you can access and edit your save Schedule Views.
There are two types of Saved Views - Personal and Workspace.

Your Personal Views are only visible to you, but can be used on all devices - web, iOS and macOS.
Workspace Views can only be created, edited and shared by Workspace Administrators, and are available to all Workspace Members to use.

The default view is the All view, which contains all Members and Resources in your workspace, in their Role sections. 

Editing the Current View with the options menu

You can make changes to the loaded view, by accessing the View Options Menu.
Note: As the All view cannot be edited, any edits to that view automatically creates a copy of the view called “New View”, which can later be saved.

In the Options Menu, the following actions are available:

  • Save / Save As - Depending on the View selected and permissions, you can save the current view or a copy of it.
  • Clear View - Clears the View to start from an empty Schedule
  • Sort by Name - Sorts the Rows in each section alphabetically
  • Add Rows.. - Select New Rows (Members, Resources, Roles) to be added at top level in the Schedule
  • Add Custom Section.. Creates a New Section at the end of the Schedule, with the selected Row. Custom Sections are not linked to workspace entities - like Roles or Groups. A custom section is not updated if a member changing roles or groups in the workspace.
  • Add Section from Role Creates a New Section for the selected Role, and it’s members in the Rows within the section
  • Add Section from Group Creates a New Section for the selected Group , and it’s members and Roles as rows within the section 
  • Show Only Booked Filters the rows to only show those where there are scheduled items in the visible time range.

When Show Only Booked is applied some rows in the view will be hidden, so reordering and other edits of the view are disabled in this mode.

Editing the View in the Schedule on Cirkus Web

On Cirkus web app, click the Edit button to enter the Edit View mode.

When in the Edit mode, each row and section shows an options menu.

1. Each Row can be reordered within the section.
If the section is a Custom section, the Row can also be removed.

2. Workspace Sections (those based on Workspace Roles or Groups) can removed, reordered within the view, sorted alphabetically, and can be Converted to Custom Sections.
Note: If a section is converted from a Workspace one to a Custom Section, it becomes disconnected from the Workspace definition, and any changes i.e Role updates, new Members or Resources, will not be reflected in that section.

3. Custom Sections are not based on Workspace entities, so they have additional options and can be renamed, and have Rows and Sub Sections added.

Editing the View in the Schedule on Cirkus Mac

On Cirkus mac app, changes can be made in the schedule by right click contextual menu actions on single or multiple  rows or sections, or dragging and dropping them in the view.

1. Each Row can be dragged to be reordered within the section, or dragged to another Custom Section.

If the section is a Custom section, or the Row is not in a section the Row can also be removed by right clicking on the Row(s) - Delete Selection, or with selection and backspace.

2. Workspace Sections (those based on Workspace Roles or Groupos) can removed, sorted alphabetically, and can be Converted to Custom Sections

Note: If a section is converted from a Workspace one to a Custom Section, it becomes disconnected from the Workspace definition. Any changes i.e Role updates, new Members or Resources, will not be reflected in that section.
3. Custom Sections are not based on Workspace entities, so they have additional options and can be renamed, and have Rows and Subsections added.
Custom Sections can also be reordered by drag and drop on Cirkus mac.

Saving and Sharing Views - Personal and Workspace

When changes have been made to the currently loaded view, it shows with a * in the View selector.

In the Options menu, the following actions are available:
- Save this will saved the modified view and overwrite the previous one. For Workspace views this option is only available to Workspace Admins
- Save As... this will save the View as a new named view. If permissions allow the option to save as Workspace View will be available
- Revert to Saved View This discards all changes and reverts the view to the saved one.

When Selecting Save As.. a dialog is presented where the name of the view can be added.

By default all views are Personal, but Workspace Admins can select the Share in Workspace option to make them available to everyone in the Workspace.
Note: This prompt will also be shown if you have unsaved changes when navigating away from the schedule or changing the view.

Schedule Filters

In the Filter menu at the bottom of the view you can filter by the following criteria
- All (Default) - Show All Scheduled Tasks and Bookings
- Pending Approval - Only Show Scheduled Tasks or Bookings you have submitted for approval or which are pending your approval

- Schedule Status - All/ (Default)  None / Show only Tasks&Bookings with the selected Schedule Statuses

- Booking Template - All (Default) / Show only Bookings with the selected Booking Templates

- Task Template - All (Default) / Show only Tasks with the selected Task Templates

- Hide Unavailability- When resources have Bookings or Tasks which you do not have permissions to see, they show as grey blocks. Selecting this filter will remove them from the View.

- Hide Bookings -  Show only Tasks

- Hide Tasks -  Show only Bookings

Your filter settings are retained between sessions and between platforms (iOS/Mac/Web)

Hours of Interest / Weekends

In the Cirkus Mac and Web applications you can choose which hours you want to show in your schedule.
If most of your bookings are during the day, and on weekdays, you can hide, or collapse the hours and days you don't want to see.
Click on the Settings icon in the top of your Mac or at the bottom of the Web application to access the settings, and decide to focus on what is important to you.

Indicator Bar Preferences

The indicator bar is an essential element that provides visual cues for your schedule. You can customize it in various ways:

- Access the Cirkus Schedule preference again.

- Look for the "Indicator" settings.

- The options available are:

Time Reporting: This option shows a red or orange indicator for past Tasks or Bookings that have not been fully time reported for the user or row in your schedule.

Status Color: Choose this option to display the color of the Schedule Status for each Task or Booking in your schedule.

Booking Color: If you select this option, it will show the color of the Booking or Booking Template (applicable to bookings only).

Project Color: This option displays the color of the linked Subproject, or if no subproject is linked, it will use the color of the Project associated with the task or booking.

None: Choosing this option means that no indicator bar will be displayed in your schedule. It's ideal if you prefer a cleaner, indicator-free view.

Expand and Collapse left menu  / Inspector tabs

In the Cirkus Mac and Web applications you can choose to expand and collapse the left menu or Inspector views, to give more space to see your schedule.
(These options are available in all views - highlighted here for Schedule View)

On Cirkus web you can expand and collapse the left and right panes to get a clearer view.

On Mac the same options are available from the toolbar.

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