Invite Members to your Workspace, Projects and Tasks

Invite team members to a Workspace

Invite people to your Workspace when you need to collaborate with them often and you want to benefit from using the Workspace advanced features which can be applied to your team when they belong to your Workspace. 

These are the advanced features that you can use with your team when they are added to your Workspace:

  • Resource Scheduling
  • Roles
  • Task Templates (Custom task fields, and Custom Statuses)
  • Groups
  • Triggers
  • Project Templates 

1. Click on the Members tab to invite the first member of your team.

2. Type the Members email address to invite them and click [Add Member]
3. In the Sheet that shows, you can define some other details about the Member, their permissions, custom fields, template and roles.

Let’s look at each option

- Template: If Object Templates are defined in the Workspace, and these can be applied to People (Person=TRUE), the will be selectable in this list, and these can define some Custom Fields that will be applied to the Member.
- Profile:
Members can be invited with different permission profiles depending on the access they should have. 

These are the three different profiles available at Workspace level (on, on private clouds these settings are configurable.

Full access to the Workspace Team, Projects, Templates and Configuration. 

Can Time Report for themselves and others.
Can see and join all Projects in the Workspace. Can Create their own Projects.
Can see the list of Workspace Members and Resources, and any Custom Fields of those, but cannot edit Members or Resources or add new ones.
Can Time Report for themselves and see others Time Reports.
Can only see Projects to which they have been added
. Can Create their own Projects.
Can see other Workspace Members when assigning tasks or bookings, but cannot see any Custom Fields of those Members, or Custom Fields of any Workspace Resource.
Can Time Report for themselves and see only their own Time Reports.

- Can Book:
This permission defines what Resources this member will be able to book in the Schedule - No One, Self, Anyone, Resources, Self and Resources, Anyone & Resources
The default is `Anyone & Resources` the highest permission.
- Description:

This is a text field where information about the Member can be added.
It will be visible to Workspace Administrator and Members.
This field can be renamed or autopopulated by applying a Template.

- All Day Hours (mac and iOS only)
This defines the hours that will be booked on an All Day booking if this feature is enabled.

- Roles:
You can select from the list any Role from the Workspace which this Member will fulfil.
Tasks assigned to the role will be notified and available to this user
You can also add new roles here by typing in the field and clicking [Add Role]

If you have selected an Object Template to apply to the Member, and it has Custom Fields applied, those will also show in the sheet to complete.

2. Click OK to add the Member.
Note: The free workspace has a limit of 3 members. You must upgrade your Workspace to invite more people to join your team or use advanced features such as Scheduling, Time Reporting or Search/Export.

Invite Members to a Project 

You can invite individual Workspace Members or Groups to a Project.
You can also invite email addresses directly to a Project who are not Members of the Workspace - if you don't want to give your collaborator access to any of the Workspace information , and you don't want to schedule them, you can invite them to individual Project , as a Guest member.
Each Project can have one Guest invited
1. Double-click on a Project  to access the Project details. 
2. From the Members tab, type the email address of a guest member, or user name of a Workspace member to invite them.
3.For Workspace Members, the Permission Profile on the Project will be suggested as the same as the Workspace one 

Invite team members to a Task

You can assign non-project-related tasks to people. When you assign a task to someone, the task will appear in their task list and they will be notified to Accept or Decline the Task invite.

You can assign a task to an email address of a person who doesn’t have a Cirkus account, and they will be invited to register with Cirkus in order to see the task.

Invite team members from the iOS App

You can also invite people to your Tasks, Projects, and Workspace from the iOS App.

To assign non-project tasks to individuals or multiple people, tap on the "Assigned to" field in the "New Task" screen. 

To assign a task to someone who doesn´t have a Cirkus account, type their e-mail address in the ¨Search, or type an e-mail address to invite¨ area in the "Select Assignee" screen.  Then tap on the email address to select it, and click "Done". They will be invited to register with Cirkus in order to see the task.

If you want to assign a task to multiple people, after tapping on the "Assign to" field, tap on the bottom option "Add Multiple Assignees". 

Non project task assignment

To invite your team to a project, click on the project name to access the project details. Tap on ¨Members¨ and then on "People", where you can enter the e-mail address of the person to invite. Once you taped ¨Done¨ to add this person to the project, select a permission profile and role if needed for this person.

To know more about roles click here. 

To invite a person to a Workspace, tap on the name of the Workspace to access the Workspace details. Then tap on the "Members" tab and then on the "Add a New Member" option at the bottom of the screen. Enter the e-mail address of the person to invite, and select a permission profile and roles if needed. Finally, tap on "Done".

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