Cirkus Hidden/Private comments

Did you know that you can have a chat in Cirkus in private comments?

When you mention a user, users or a role you can start a private chat with them.

Only those mentioned in your thread will see the comments, and they will keep the noise down for others in the task.

Private comments and replies appear in yellow in light mode and purple in dark mode in tasks, projects, bookings and Inbox notifications

Create a Private Comment

Mention a contact (@name) , contacts or a role (i.e @designer) in a comment, then select the "Set as Private" option in the bottom left of the editor.

The comment will turn yellow, so that you know it will be posted privately.
Hit Send, and the comment will be notified and visible only to the mentioned people/roles.

Replies to private comments.

Replies to private comments are also in threads.
If other users are mentioned in replies, they are added to the private conversation.

Private comments appear in yellow to those who can see them.
Those not in the conversation do not see the thread at all.

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