Templates are configured and made available by administrators of a Workspace. Task templates allow you to set up custom fields on tasks. You can set up single or multiline fields, date fields, filepath, checkboxes, or selector entries. The grouping and label fields help to format the task, and guide the task creator. You can also choose who can see these fields and if they are mandatory based on certain conditions. Also, you can choose which project the task will be created in, who can edit the task after it’s created and setting default assignees.
Templates can be offered as Requests. This means that they will be made available in the Requests menu. This is a handy way to allow other Cirkus members to submit tasks to a team or project.
Let’s look at an example.
Create a Task Template:
From the Workspace > Templates> Task template tab, type the name of the template and press enter.
Next, double click on the new Template to access the Template details.
In the Info tab we set up the behaviour of the tasks which will use this template
Parent Status: This field only shows if the task template has subtasks. It defined if the parent task will need to also be marked as Done (Independent) or if it will be "Done" when all subtasks are done ( Subtasks)
Project, select one or more projects and subprojects where this task can be added.
Role: this defined the Role who will be assigned to this task on creation
Task Editable by: this defines if the task will be only editable by Assignees, i.e creator cannot edit it. "Anyone" means that anyone with access to the task can edit it . This permission does not apply to comments.
Allowed Involved: this defines the Resources (or Resources,Roles and Members) that can be scheduled on a task at creation time
Involved: this setting defines if this task will appear on the Assignee roles in the Schedule, or it can be scheduled independently. More information in the Task Scheduling article on this topic.
Approval By: If this field is not set, the Task will be immediately added to the Assignee.
If this field is set to a person or a role, it must be “Approved” by them before it shows in the Schedule to the rest of the team. For our template we will set this to be our “Studio Manager” role.
Default Name: This is the name that any Task created with this template will have by default. It can be edited by the requestor.
Offer as Request: Toggle to ON to make the template available on the Requests portal. (see Task requests Article)
Starred by Default: If there are lots of templates, you can toggle this ON so they show up first in the list.
Request Category. This allows the admin to group requests types together, so requestors can easily find the type of request they need. Our one is in the “Post Services” category.
Making templates available on the request portal provides an easy way to allow collaborators to create tasks.
See more information in the Task Requests article.
You can also create custom fields for task templates by clicking on the fields tab, typing the name and pressing enter.Here are the custom field parameters that can be selected:
Type: Choose between seven custom field types.
The Checkbox Field lets you create a field displaying choices in a single box that toggles between Yes (Selected) and No (Deselected).
The Date Field provides the ability to chose a date from the calendar. Enable this option to include time if you also want to be able to select the time.
Entry field: Allows you to enter one line of information and text if the option “multiple lines” is enabled.
File Path: allows you to select the path to a file or to a directory
The Grouping field is a divider that groups all the custom fields bellow it together.
The Label field allows you to add a default value for information purposes. If you select a warning label in the “Type of label” field, a red warning text will show next to the default value.
The Selector Field allows you to create a list of options for people to select. You can allow for multiple selections from this list by enabling the “Allow multiple” button.
Show allows you decide if the options are always available or only when certain conditions are met. In this example, the custom field will only show when the priority is set to important and the task is assigned to developers. Select “never” if the custom field should never be visible.
Mandatory: Select mandatory if the custom fields must be filled in order to create a task. You can also make the mandatory field conditional by applying specific conditions. If you want the custom field to never be mandatory select “Never”.
Custom Statuses
You can make Custom Status's available to your workflow so that defined statuses can be set for all tasks of this type. More detail can be found here
You can also add Subtasks to your task template, and decide the conditions on which those subtasks might be createdYou can also set Date Offsets on the subtasks of those task templates, so that they will created with a date relative to that of the parent.For more information on working with subtasks in template, see this article
Duplicate Task Templates:
You can also Duplicate your Task Template if you want to create a new similar one.
On mac: right click a Template > Duplicate Task Template
On web: Edit > Select a Template > More Actions > Duplicate
On iOS: Swipe on a Template >More (...) > Duplicate
Export and Import a Task Template:
You can also Export your Task Template if you want to move it to a different environment, or send a copy to support to debug.
To Export
On mac: right click > Export
On web: Edit > Select a Template > More Actions > Export
A <template>.json file will be downloaded to your machine.
To Import
On mac and web: In the Template list, select the (...) from the options menu in the bottom bar > Import Template