Using Cirkus you can setup a workflow to capture new project or campaign requests for your team.
Provide a Request Form in Cirkus to gather these demands, and even pass them through an approval process before creating the Project with Tasks, Subprojects, Assignees and even dates applied.
Project Requests are powered by Project Templates.
This article describes how to set up Project Requests, submit new Requests, and handle Project Approvals.
- Submitting a Project Workspace Request
- Submitting a Project Public Request (
- Submitting a Project Public Request (Private Cirkus/SSO)
- Project Request Approvals
- Direct links to a Project Request Form
Setup the Project Request
The Template for the Request is set up in the Workspace > Templates > Project Templates.
First, as a Workspace Administrator, Configure the Project Template to your liking or enter an existing template.
To turn the Template into a request, go into the Info tab. Under General is the Request Details settings.
- Workspace Request: Toggle to ON to make the template available on the Cirkus Requests portal to Workspace Members. The copy icon allows copying of the direct link to the New Request sheet.
- Starred by Default: Toggle ON so this Request shows up first in the Request list
- Request Category: This allows the admin to group requests types together, so requestors can easily find the type of request they need. Request Categories are set up in the Template tab.
*Note: Request Categories are shared across Task, Booking and Project requests
- Public Request: toggling this option gives the option to copy a web URL. Anyone who has that URL can submit a request to Cirkus from a web form. A secondary option in the options menu allows you to reset the link if the URL has been compromised.
- Approval By: Set to a person or a role. The Request must be “Approved” by one or all of them before it shows in the Projects tab to those included in the project. Notifications will not be sent to any included members until the project is approved.
*Note: If this field is not set, the Request will create a new Project right away when it is submitted.
Submitting a Project Workspace Request
Anyone submitting a Workspace Request must be a member of the Cirkus Workspace, and they can use the Requests view on web, iOS or Mac app, or a direct web link to access the request form.
Requests can be submitted in exactly the same way from web, and the feature is also available on Cirkus iOS app.
As a Requestor, go to the Requests view or click on the shared request link.
In our example, we are logged in as requestor "Bella" and our Commercial Request is under the Commercials Category.
Click the Commercials category, and select the Commercial project request from the list of available requests
Fill out the Information in the New Project window.
Here you can fill in some Custom Fields. In our customized workflow we have custom fields called Client Name, Client Contact, Producer, Air Date, and Notes. These fields can be made mandatory, or shown/hidden in certain conditions. All of the field setup is done in the Project Template
Click OK to submit the Request.
All Submitted Requests appear in the My Recently Created Requests section with a label indicating if they are Pending Approval or Denied.
Submitting a Project Public Request (
If a Project Template has Public Request checked, you can copy the Public link and distribute it outside of Cirkus.
Anyone who has the link can submit a Task Request.
Requestors will not need to login to Cirkus, and they will receive no confirmation email, or be able to collaborate on the request after it is submitted.
You can add Custom Fields to your template if you wish to capture some information about the Requestor in the Project.
Project creators show as “Requestor” on these Projects when they are created in Cirkus..
Public Requests are a feature of Pro workspaces, and have some limits applied, see Public Requests article for more information
Submitting a Project Public Request (Private Cirkus/SSO)
If you have Cirkus in a private server, and a Project Template has Public Request checked, you can copy the link and distribute it outside of Cirkus.
However, you also have the option to have your requestors authenticate through your SSO (OKTA or Azure/Entra) server before being able to submit a request.
In this case we will send a confirmation email to their captured SSO email address.
This is a server configuration.
Project Request Approvals
If the Project Request does not require approval (per the Template configuration) it is created immediately, and all members are notified.
If a Project Request is submitted which requires approval, a notification is sent by email, push notification and to the Inbox of all the approvers.
Projects Pending Approval are only visible to the Requestor and Approver(s). The Approvers can review the request and either Approve or Deny it. Approvers can also modify the Request before approving it, for example: any custom fields under the Info tab could be changed and/or adjusted, files can be added/removed.
*Note: this editable behaviour is configurable for private cloud deployments.
The request can be approved or denied directly from email, from the Inbox, or project details
Cirkus Inbox
Project Details

Project List (Pending Approval filter)
Requestors and Approvers can also see a list of all their Projects Pending Approval in the Projects list, accessing the `Pending Approval` filter at the bottom of the view.
When the Approval process is complete, the requestor along with any invited members (per the project template) will be notified that they have been added/invited to the project.
If the Project is denied, the Requestor will be notified and no Members are invited to the Project.
The approved project is added to the Projects tab in the workspace for all included members to access.
Denied Project Requests -> Resubmission
If a Project Request is denied, it’s possible for the Requestor to change some details of the project, and resubmit it
Clicking Resubmit will open the sheet again where the Request can be edited. On submission it goes back through Approval process again, with the history of the first submission included.
Direct links to a Project Request Form
If you would like to give requestors the option to open the "New Project" view directly on a browser or iOS app, rather than navigating through all available requests, you can share a direct link to the request by copying it from the app or web.

When clicking on the link they will be prompted to login to Cirkus , and on successful login, the New Project window will load directly.
Other Request Types
Administrators also have the ability to create Task and Booking requests which work similarly to Project Requests.