Cirkus Bookings API documentation

This is the documentation for the Cirkus server APIs.

Contact Info:
Version: 1.0
Apache 2.0


  1. APIKey KeyParamName:Cirkus-API-Key KeyInQuery:false KeyInHeader:true


[ Jump to Models ]

Table of Contents






get /abilities/{type}
Get abilities for the given type (getAbilitites)
Get abilities for the given type. Currently only supporting orgs.

Path parameters

type (required)
Path Parameter — The type which to fetch the ability for

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
[ {
  "canDelete" : "canDelete",
  "orgId" : "5fb3916e05ce5c091f1a9557"
}, {
  "canDelete" : "canDelete",
  "orgId" : "5fb3916e05ce5c091f1a9557"
} ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Typeresponse header.
  • application/json



The abilities


Invalid type


post /bookings
Create new booking (createBooking)
Creates a new booking.


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Typerequest header:
  • application/json

Request body

body BookingRequestBody (optional)
Body Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "orgSlug" : "orgSlug",
  "subprojects" : [ [ {
    "name" : "My subproject",
    "id" : "59d24e0b63bb924e0e012762"
  }, {
    "name" : "My subproject",
    "id" : "59d24e0b63bb924e0e012762"
  } ], [ {
    "name" : "My subproject",
    "id" : "59d24e0b63bb924e0e012762"
  }, {
    "name" : "My subproject",
    "id" : "59d24e0b63bb924e0e012762"
  } ] ],
  "projects" : [ [ {
    "name" : "My project",
    "id" : "59d24e0763bb924e0e012761"
  }, {
    "name" : "My project",
    "id" : "59d24e0763bb924e0e012761"
  } ], [ {
    "name" : "My project",
    "id" : "59d24e0763bb924e0e012761"
  }, {
    "name" : "My project",
    "id" : "59d24e0763bb924e0e012761"
  } ] ],
  "color" : "#FF9641",
  "description" : "Some description about the booking",
  "createdByUserEmail" : "createdByUserEmail",
  "ownerId" : "ownerId",
  "ownerUserEmail" : "ownerUserEmail",
  "orgId" : "orgId",
  "ownerUserFirstName" : "ownerUserFirstName",
  "userCanEdit" : true,
  "orgType" : "orgType",
  "filesCount" : 6,
  "createdFromRequest" : true,
  "scheduleStatus" : {
    "color" : "#ff99dd",
    "title" : "Pending",
    "type" : "unconfirmed"
  "id" : "5fb3916e05ce5c091f1a9553",
  "slug" : "business-meeting",
  "events" : [ [ {
    "durationHours" : 8.5,
    "allDay" : true,
    "entityType" : "user",
    "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
    "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
    "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
    "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"
  }, {
    "durationHours" : 8.5,
    "allDay" : true,
    "entityType" : "user",
    "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
    "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
    "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
    "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"
  } ], [ {
    "durationHours" : 8.5,
    "allDay" : true,
    "entityType" : "user",
    "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
    "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
    "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
    "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"
  }, {
    "durationHours" : 8.5,
    "allDay" : true,
    "entityType" : "user",
    "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
    "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
    "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
    "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"
  } ] ],
  "tasks" : [ [ {
    "name" : "My task",
    "id" : "59b14a05d3d42bc1f9b30492"
  }, {
    "name" : "My task",
    "id" : "59b14a05d3d42bc1f9b30492"
  } ], [ {
    "name" : "My task",
    "id" : "59b14a05d3d42bc1f9b30492"
  }, {
    "name" : "My task",
    "id" : "59b14a05d3d42bc1f9b30492"
  } ] ],
  "createdByUserId" : "createdByUserId",
  "orgName" : "orgName",
  "ownerUserLastName" : "ownerUserLastName",
  "kind" : "booking",
  "orgDisabled" : true,
  "createdByUserFirstName" : "createdByUserFirstName",
  "createdDate" : "createdDate",
  "commentsCount" : 0,
  "name" : "Business meeting",
  "scheduleColor" : "#BA34F5",
  "orgDisplayName" : "orgDisplayName",
  "createdByUserLastName" : "createdByUserLastName"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Typeresponse header.
  • application/json



The booking BookingResponse


The client does not have permissions to create the booking.

post /bookings/{booking_id}/events
Create new booking event (createBookingEvent)
Creates a new booking event for the booking.


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Typerequest header:
  • application/json

Request body

body BookingEventRequestBody (optional)
Body Parameter

Query parameters

booking_id (required)
Query Parameter — The booking ID

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "durationHours" : 8.5,
  "allDay" : true,
  "entityType" : "user",
  "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
  "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
  "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
  "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Typeresponse header.
  • application/json



The booking BookingEventResponse


The client does not have permissions to create the booking event.

delete /bookings/{booking_id}
Delete booking for ID (deleteBooking)
Deletes the booking for the given booking ID.

Path parameters

booking_id (required)
Path Parameter — The booking ID

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
{ }


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Typeresponse header.
  • application/json



Empty response EmptyResponse


The client does not have permissions to delete the booking.


No such booking exists.

delete /bookings/{booking_id}/events/{event_id}
Delete booking event for ID (deleteBookingEvent)
Deletes the booking event for the given booking event ID.

Path parameters

booking_id (required)
Path Parameter — The booking ID
event_id (required)
Path Parameter — The event ID

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
{ }


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Typeresponse header.
  • application/json



Empty response EmptyResponse


The client does not have permissions to delete the booking event.


No such booking event exists.

get /bookings
Get bookings (findBookings)
Returns all bookings matching the criteria.

Query parameters

taskIds (optional)
Query Parameter — The linked task IDs as a comma separated list
projectIds (optional)
Query Parameter — The linked project IDs as a comma separated list
subprojectIds (optional)
Query Parameter — The linked subproject IDs as a comma separated list

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
[ {
  "orgSlug" : "orgSlug",
  "subprojects" : [ [ {
    "name" : "My subproject",
    "id" : "59d24e0b63bb924e0e012762"
  }, {
    "name" : "My subproject",
    "id" : "59d24e0b63bb924e0e012762"
  } ], [ {
    "name" : "My subproject",
    "id" : "59d24e0b63bb924e0e012762"
  }, {
    "name" : "My subproject",
    "id" : "59d24e0b63bb924e0e012762"
  } ] ],
  "projects" : [ [ {
    "name" : "My project",
    "id" : "59d24e0763bb924e0e012761"
  }, {
    "name" : "My project",
    "id" : "59d24e0763bb924e0e012761"
  } ], [ {
    "name" : "My project",
    "id" : "59d24e0763bb924e0e012761"
  }, {
    "name" : "My project",
    "id" : "59d24e0763bb924e0e012761"
  } ] ],
  "color" : "#FF9641",
  "description" : "Some description about the booking",
  "createdByUserEmail" : "createdByUserEmail",
  "ownerId" : "ownerId",
  "ownerUserEmail" : "ownerUserEmail",
  "orgId" : "orgId",
  "ownerUserFirstName" : "ownerUserFirstName",
  "userCanEdit" : true,
  "orgType" : "orgType",
  "filesCount" : 6,
  "createdFromRequest" : true,
  "scheduleStatus" : {
    "color" : "#ff99dd",
    "title" : "Pending",
    "type" : "unconfirmed"
  "id" : "5fb3916e05ce5c091f1a9553",
  "slug" : "business-meeting",
  "events" : [ [ {
    "durationHours" : 8.5,
    "allDay" : true,
    "entityType" : "user",
    "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
    "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
    "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
    "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"
  }, {
    "durationHours" : 8.5,
    "allDay" : true,
    "entityType" : "user",
    "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
    "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
    "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
    "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"
  } ], [ {
    "durationHours" : 8.5,
    "allDay" : true,
    "entityType" : "user",
    "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
    "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
    "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
    "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"
  }, {
    "durationHours" : 8.5,
    "allDay" : true,
    "entityType" : "user",
    "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
    "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
    "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
    "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"
  } ] ],
  "tasks" : [ [ {
    "name" : "My task",
    "id" : "59b14a05d3d42bc1f9b30492"
  }, {
    "name" : "My task",
    "id" : "59b14a05d3d42bc1f9b30492"
  } ], [ {
    "name" : "My task",
    "id" : "59b14a05d3d42bc1f9b30492"
  }, {
    "name" : "My task",
    "id" : "59b14a05d3d42bc1f9b30492"
  } ] ],
  "createdByUserId" : "createdByUserId",
  "orgName" : "orgName",
  "ownerUserLastName" : "ownerUserLastName",
  "kind" : "booking",
  "orgDisabled" : true,
  "createdByUserFirstName" : "createdByUserFirstName",
  "createdDate" : "createdDate",
  "commentsCount" : 0,
  "name" : "Business meeting",
  "scheduleColor" : "#BA34F5",
  "orgDisplayName" : "orgDisplayName",
  "createdByUserLastName" : "createdByUserLastName"
}, {
  "orgSlug" : "orgSlug",
  "subprojects" : [ [ {
    "name" : "My subproject",
    "id" : "59d24e0b63bb924e0e012762"
  }, {
    "name" : "My subproject",
    "id" : "59d24e0b63bb924e0e012762"
  } ], [ {
    "name" : "My subproject",
    "id" : "59d24e0b63bb924e0e012762"
  }, {
    "name" : "My subproject",
    "id" : "59d24e0b63bb924e0e012762"
  } ] ],
  "projects" : [ [ {
    "name" : "My project",
    "id" : "59d24e0763bb924e0e012761"
  }, {
    "name" : "My project",
    "id" : "59d24e0763bb924e0e012761"
  } ], [ {
    "name" : "My project",
    "id" : "59d24e0763bb924e0e012761"
  }, {
    "name" : "My project",
    "id" : "59d24e0763bb924e0e012761"
  } ] ],
  "color" : "#FF9641",
  "description" : "Some description about the booking",
  "createdByUserEmail" : "createdByUserEmail",
  "ownerId" : "ownerId",
  "ownerUserEmail" : "ownerUserEmail",
  "orgId" : "orgId",
  "ownerUserFirstName" : "ownerUserFirstName",
  "userCanEdit" : true,
  "orgType" : "orgType",
  "filesCount" : 6,
  "createdFromRequest" : true,
  "scheduleStatus" : {
    "color" : "#ff99dd",
    "title" : "Pending",
    "type" : "unconfirmed"
  "id" : "5fb3916e05ce5c091f1a9553",
  "slug" : "business-meeting",
  "events" : [ [ {
    "durationHours" : 8.5,
    "allDay" : true,
    "entityType" : "user",
    "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
    "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
    "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
    "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"
  }, {
    "durationHours" : 8.5,
    "allDay" : true,
    "entityType" : "user",
    "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
    "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
    "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
    "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"
  } ], [ {
    "durationHours" : 8.5,
    "allDay" : true,
    "entityType" : "user",
    "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
    "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
    "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
    "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"
  }, {
    "durationHours" : 8.5,
    "allDay" : true,
    "entityType" : "user",
    "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
    "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
    "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
    "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"
  } ] ],
  "tasks" : [ [ {
    "name" : "My task",
    "id" : "59b14a05d3d42bc1f9b30492"
  }, {
    "name" : "My task",
    "id" : "59b14a05d3d42bc1f9b30492"
  } ], [ {
    "name" : "My task",
    "id" : "59b14a05d3d42bc1f9b30492"
  }, {
    "name" : "My task",
    "id" : "59b14a05d3d42bc1f9b30492"
  } ] ],
  "createdByUserId" : "createdByUserId",
  "orgName" : "orgName",
  "ownerUserLastName" : "ownerUserLastName",
  "kind" : "booking",
  "orgDisabled" : true,
  "createdByUserFirstName" : "createdByUserFirstName",
  "createdDate" : "createdDate",
  "commentsCount" : 0,
  "name" : "Business meeting",
  "scheduleColor" : "#BA34F5",
  "orgDisplayName" : "orgDisplayName",
  "createdByUserLastName" : "createdByUserLastName"
} ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Typeresponse header.
  • application/json



The bookings


Invalid request

get /bookings/{booking_id}
Get booking for ID (getBooking)
Get the booking for the given booking ID.

Path parameters

booking_id (required)
Path Parameter — The booking ID

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "orgSlug" : "orgSlug",
  "subprojects" : [ [ {
    "name" : "My subproject",
    "id" : "59d24e0b63bb924e0e012762"
  }, {
    "name" : "My subproject",
    "id" : "59d24e0b63bb924e0e012762"
  } ], [ {
    "name" : "My subproject",
    "id" : "59d24e0b63bb924e0e012762"
  }, {
    "name" : "My subproject",
    "id" : "59d24e0b63bb924e0e012762"
  } ] ],
  "projects" : [ [ {
    "name" : "My project",
    "id" : "59d24e0763bb924e0e012761"
  }, {
    "name" : "My project",
    "id" : "59d24e0763bb924e0e012761"
  } ], [ {
    "name" : "My project",
    "id" : "59d24e0763bb924e0e012761"
  }, {
    "name" : "My project",
    "id" : "59d24e0763bb924e0e012761"
  } ] ],
  "color" : "#FF9641",
  "description" : "Some description about the booking",
  "createdByUserEmail" : "createdByUserEmail",
  "ownerId" : "ownerId",
  "ownerUserEmail" : "ownerUserEmail",
  "orgId" : "orgId",
  "ownerUserFirstName" : "ownerUserFirstName",
  "userCanEdit" : true,
  "orgType" : "orgType",
  "filesCount" : 6,
  "createdFromRequest" : true,
  "scheduleStatus" : {
    "color" : "#ff99dd",
    "title" : "Pending",
    "type" : "unconfirmed"
  "id" : "5fb3916e05ce5c091f1a9553",
  "slug" : "business-meeting",
  "events" : [ [ {
    "durationHours" : 8.5,
    "allDay" : true,
    "entityType" : "user",
    "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
    "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
    "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
    "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"
  }, {
    "durationHours" : 8.5,
    "allDay" : true,
    "entityType" : "user",
    "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
    "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
    "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
    "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"
  } ], [ {
    "durationHours" : 8.5,
    "allDay" : true,
    "entityType" : "user",
    "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
    "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
    "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
    "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"
  }, {
    "durationHours" : 8.5,
    "allDay" : true,
    "entityType" : "user",
    "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
    "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
    "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
    "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"
  } ] ],
  "tasks" : [ [ {
    "name" : "My task",
    "id" : "59b14a05d3d42bc1f9b30492"
  }, {
    "name" : "My task",
    "id" : "59b14a05d3d42bc1f9b30492"
  } ], [ {
    "name" : "My task",
    "id" : "59b14a05d3d42bc1f9b30492"
  }, {
    "name" : "My task",
    "id" : "59b14a05d3d42bc1f9b30492"
  } ] ],
  "createdByUserId" : "createdByUserId",
  "orgName" : "orgName",
  "ownerUserLastName" : "ownerUserLastName",
  "kind" : "booking",
  "orgDisabled" : true,
  "createdByUserFirstName" : "createdByUserFirstName",
  "createdDate" : "createdDate",
  "commentsCount" : 0,
  "name" : "Business meeting",
  "scheduleColor" : "#BA34F5",
  "orgDisplayName" : "orgDisplayName",
  "createdByUserLastName" : "createdByUserLastName"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Typeresponse header.
  • application/json



The booking BookingResponse


The client does not have permissions to access the booking.


No such booking exists.

get /bookings/{booking_id}/events/{event_id}
Get booking event for ID (getBookingEvent)
Get the booking event for the given event ID.

Path parameters

booking_id (required)
Path Parameter — The booking ID
event_id (required)
Path Parameter — The event ID

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "durationHours" : 8.5,
  "allDay" : true,
  "entityType" : "user",
  "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
  "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
  "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
  "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Typeresponse header.
  • application/json



The booking event BookingEventResponse


The client does not have permissions to access the booking event.


No such booking event exists.

get /bookings/{booking_id}/events
Get booking events (getBookingEvents)
Returns all booking events for the booking.

Query parameters

booking_id (required)
Query Parameter — The booking ID

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
[ {
  "durationHours" : 8.5,
  "allDay" : true,
  "entityType" : "user",
  "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
  "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
  "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
  "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"
}, {
  "durationHours" : 8.5,
  "allDay" : true,
  "entityType" : "user",
  "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
  "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
  "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
  "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"
} ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Typeresponse header.
  • application/json



The booking events


Invalid request

put /bookings/{booking_id}
Update booking (updateBooking)
Update the booking for the given booking ID.

Path parameters

booking_id (required)
Path Parameter — The booking ID


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Typerequest header:
  • application/json

Request body

body BookingRequestBody (optional)
Body Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "orgSlug" : "orgSlug",
  "subprojects" : [ [ {
    "name" : "My subproject",
    "id" : "59d24e0b63bb924e0e012762"
  }, {
    "name" : "My subproject",
    "id" : "59d24e0b63bb924e0e012762"
  } ], [ {
    "name" : "My subproject",
    "id" : "59d24e0b63bb924e0e012762"
  }, {
    "name" : "My subproject",
    "id" : "59d24e0b63bb924e0e012762"
  } ] ],
  "projects" : [ [ {
    "name" : "My project",
    "id" : "59d24e0763bb924e0e012761"
  }, {
    "name" : "My project",
    "id" : "59d24e0763bb924e0e012761"
  } ], [ {
    "name" : "My project",
    "id" : "59d24e0763bb924e0e012761"
  }, {
    "name" : "My project",
    "id" : "59d24e0763bb924e0e012761"
  } ] ],
  "color" : "#FF9641",
  "description" : "Some description about the booking",
  "createdByUserEmail" : "createdByUserEmail",
  "ownerId" : "ownerId",
  "ownerUserEmail" : "ownerUserEmail",
  "orgId" : "orgId",
  "ownerUserFirstName" : "ownerUserFirstName",
  "userCanEdit" : true,
  "orgType" : "orgType",
  "filesCount" : 6,
  "createdFromRequest" : true,
  "scheduleStatus" : {
    "color" : "#ff99dd",
    "title" : "Pending",
    "type" : "unconfirmed"
  "id" : "5fb3916e05ce5c091f1a9553",
  "slug" : "business-meeting",
  "events" : [ [ {
    "durationHours" : 8.5,
    "allDay" : true,
    "entityType" : "user",
    "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
    "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
    "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
    "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"
  }, {
    "durationHours" : 8.5,
    "allDay" : true,
    "entityType" : "user",
    "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
    "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
    "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
    "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"
  } ], [ {
    "durationHours" : 8.5,
    "allDay" : true,
    "entityType" : "user",
    "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
    "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
    "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
    "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"
  }, {
    "durationHours" : 8.5,
    "allDay" : true,
    "entityType" : "user",
    "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
    "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
    "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
    "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"
  } ] ],
  "tasks" : [ [ {
    "name" : "My task",
    "id" : "59b14a05d3d42bc1f9b30492"
  }, {
    "name" : "My task",
    "id" : "59b14a05d3d42bc1f9b30492"
  } ], [ {
    "name" : "My task",
    "id" : "59b14a05d3d42bc1f9b30492"
  }, {
    "name" : "My task",
    "id" : "59b14a05d3d42bc1f9b30492"
  } ] ],
  "createdByUserId" : "createdByUserId",
  "orgName" : "orgName",
  "ownerUserLastName" : "ownerUserLastName",
  "kind" : "booking",
  "orgDisabled" : true,
  "createdByUserFirstName" : "createdByUserFirstName",
  "createdDate" : "createdDate",
  "commentsCount" : 0,
  "name" : "Business meeting",
  "scheduleColor" : "#BA34F5",
  "orgDisplayName" : "orgDisplayName",
  "createdByUserLastName" : "createdByUserLastName"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Typeresponse header.
  • application/json



The booking BookingResponse


The client does not have permissions to update the booking.


No such booking.

put /bookings/{booking_id}/events/{event_id}
Update booking event (updateBookingEvent)
Update the booking for the given booking ID.

Path parameters

booking_id (required)
Path Parameter — The booking ID
event_id (required)
Path Parameter — The event ID


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Typerequest header:
  • application/json

Request body

body BookingEventRequestBody (optional)
Body Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "durationHours" : 8.5,
  "allDay" : true,
  "entityType" : "user",
  "start" : "2023-11-16T08:00.00Z",
  "entityId" : "59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770",
  "end" : "2023-11-16T16:30.00Z",
  "id" : "59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Typeresponse header.
  • application/json



The booking BookingEventResponse


The client does not have permissions to update the booking event.


No such booking event exists.


delete /milestones/{milestone_id}
Delete milestone for ID (deleteMilestone)
Deletes the milestone for the given milestone ID.

Path parameters

milestone_id (required)
Path Parameter — The milestone ID

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
{ }


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Typeresponse header.
  • application/json



Empty response EmptyResponse


No such milestone or the client does not have permissions to delete it.

get /milestones/{milestone_id}
Get milestone for ID (getMilestone)
Get the milestone for the given milestone ID.

Path parameters

milestone_id (required)
Path Parameter — The milestone ID

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "date" : "date",
  "color" : "#FF9641",
  "projectIsTemplate" : "projectIsTemplate",
  "projectNumber" : "13946",
  "name" : "My milestone",
  "description" : "Release of version 2.0",
  "projectColor" : "#BA4598",
  "id" : "5fb3916e05ce5c091f1a9557",
  "type" : "type",
  "projectName" : "Sample Project",
  "projectId" : "5f06d9420a3f16b6af30e6c6"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Typeresponse header.
  • application/json



The milestone MilestoneResponse


No such milestone or the client does not have permissions to access it.

get /milestones
Get milestones (getMilestones)
Returns all milestones matching the criteria.

Query parameters

type (required)
Query Parameter — The type of milestone
from (required)
Query Parameter — From date when the milestone is due format: date-time
to (required)
Query Parameter — To date when the milestone is due format: date-time
orgId (optional)
Query Parameter — The workspace ID to filter the milestones for
projectIds (optional)
Query Parameter — The project IDs to filter the milestones for as comma-separated list

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
[ {
  "date" : "date",
  "color" : "#FF9641",
  "projectIsTemplate" : "projectIsTemplate",
  "projectNumber" : "13946",
  "name" : "My milestone",
  "description" : "Release of version 2.0",
  "projectColor" : "#BA4598",
  "id" : "5fb3916e05ce5c091f1a9557",
  "type" : "type",
  "projectName" : "Sample Project",
  "projectId" : "5f06d9420a3f16b6af30e6c6"
}, {
  "date" : "date",
  "color" : "#FF9641",
  "projectIsTemplate" : "projectIsTemplate",
  "projectNumber" : "13946",
  "name" : "My milestone",
  "description" : "Release of version 2.0",
  "projectColor" : "#BA4598",
  "id" : "5fb3916e05ce5c091f1a9557",
  "type" : "type",
  "projectName" : "Sample Project",
  "projectId" : "5f06d9420a3f16b6af30e6c6"
} ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Typeresponse header.
  • application/json



The milestones


Invalid request

put /milestones/{milestone_id}
Update milestone (updateMilestone)
Update the milestone for the given milestone ID.

Path parameters

milestone_id (required)
Path Parameter — The milestone ID


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Typerequest header:
  • application/json

Request body

body MilestoneRequestBody (optional)
Body Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "date" : "date",
  "color" : "#FF9641",
  "projectIsTemplate" : "projectIsTemplate",
  "projectNumber" : "13946",
  "name" : "My milestone",
  "description" : "Release of version 2.0",
  "projectColor" : "#BA4598",
  "id" : "5fb3916e05ce5c091f1a9557",
  "type" : "type",
  "projectName" : "Sample Project",
  "projectId" : "5f06d9420a3f16b6af30e6c6"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Typeresponse header.
  • application/json



The milestone MilestoneResponse


The client does not have permissions to update it


No such milestone


get /projecttemplates
Get project templates (findProjectTemplates)
Returns all project templates (across workspaces) matching the criteria.

Query parameters

requests (optional)
Query Parameter — Whether to filter for requests only
orgSlug (optional)
Query Parameter — The org slug to filter the project templates for
slug (optional)
Query Parameter — The slug to filter the project templates for
deleted (optional)
Query Parameter — Whether to filter for deleted project templates only
offset (optional)
Query Parameter — The offset value for pagination format: int64
limit (optional)
Query Parameter — The limit of results for a single fetch format: int64



The project templates


Invalid request


[ Jump to Methods ]

Table of Contents

  1. BookingEventRequestBody
  2. BookingEventResponse
  3. BookingRequestBody
  4. BookingResponse
  5. EmptyResponse
  6. MilestoneRequestBody
  7. MilestoneResponse
  8. OrgAbilitiesResponse
  9. ProjectResponse
  10. ScheduleStatusRequestBody
  11. ScheduleStatusResponse
  12. SubprojectResponse
  13. Tag
  14. TaskResponse

BookingEventRequestBody Up

The events
entityId (optional)
String The ID of the entity for the event
example: 59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770
entityType (optional)
String The type of the entity for the event
example: user
start (optional)
String The start date of the event in GMT
example: 2023-11-16T08:00.00Z
end (optional)
String The end date of the event in GMT
example: 2023-11-16T16:30.00Z

BookingEventResponse Up

The events
id (optional)
String The ID of the event
example: 59d24e2863bb924e0e01276f
entityId (optional)
String The ID of the entity for the event
example: 59d24e2f63bb924e0e012770
entityType (optional)
String The type of the entity for the event
example: user
start (optional)
String The start date of the event in GMT
example: 2023-11-16T08:00.00Z
end (optional)
String The end date of the event in GMT
example: 2023-11-16T16:30.00Z
durationHours (optional)
BigDecimal The duration hours of the event
example: 8.5
allDay (optional)
Boolean If the event is an all day event

BookingRequestBody Up

name (optional)
String The name of the booking
example: Business meeting
description (optional)
String The description
example: Some description about the booking
color (optional)
String The color in hexadecimal form
example: #FF9641
kind (optional)
String The kind of booking
example: booking
scheduleStatus (optional)
orgId (optional)
String The workspace's ID that this booking belongs to
ownerId (optional)
String The user's ID who is set as booking owner
events (optional)
tasks (optional)
example: [{"id":"59b14a05d3d42bc1f9b30492"},{"id":"59b2a2a1504d2dfb7c983719"}]
projects (optional)
example: [{"id":"59b69b8b58310c25469a53ec"},{"id":"59ba5e3be7f31021479d76cf"}]
subprojects (optional)
example: [{"id":"59d24e0763bb924e0e012761"},{"id":"59d24e0b63bb924e0e012762"}]

BookingResponse Up

id (optional)
String The ID of the booking
example: 5fb3916e05ce5c091f1a9553
name (optional)
String The name
example: Business meeting
slug (optional)
String The URL slug
example: business-meeting
description (optional)
String The description
example: Some description about the booking
color (optional)
String The color in hexadecimal form
example: #FF9641
kind (optional)
String The kind of booking
example: booking
scheduleColor (optional)
String The effective schedule color in hexadecimal
example: #BA34F5
scheduleStatus (optional)
createdFromRequest (optional)
Boolean If the booking was created from a request
orgId (optional)
String The workspace's ID that this booking belongs to
orgName (optional)
String The workspace's name that this booking belongs to
orgType (optional)
String The workspace's type that this booking belongs to
orgSlug (optional)
String The workspace's URL slug that this booking belongs to
orgDisplayName (optional)
String The workspace's display name that this booking belongs to
orgDisabled (optional)
Boolean If the booking's workspace is disabled or not
createdDate (optional)
String The created date
createdByUserId (optional)
String ID of the user who created the booking
createdByUserEmail (optional)
String Email of the user who created the booking
createdByUserFirstName (optional)
String First name of the user who created the booking
createdByUserLastName (optional)
String Last name of the user who created the booking
ownerId (optional)
String ID of the user set as booking owner
ownerUserEmail (optional)
String Email of the user set as booking owner
ownerUserFirstName (optional)
String First name of the user set as booking owner
ownerUserLastName (optional)
String Last name of the user set as booking owner
events (optional)
tasks (optional)
projects (optional)
subprojects (optional)
userCanEdit (optional)
Boolean If the user can edit the main booking details or not
commentsCount (optional)
Integer Total number of comments for the booking format: int32
filesCount (optional)
Integer Total number of files for the booking format: int32

MilestoneRequestBody Up

name (optional)
String The name of the milestone
example: My milestone
description (optional)
String The description of the milestone
example: Release of version 2.0
color (optional)
String The color of the milestone in hexadecimal form
example: #FF9641
date (optional)
String The date of the milestone

MilestoneResponse Up

id (optional)
String The ID of the milestone
example: 5fb3916e05ce5c091f1a9557
name (optional)
String The name of the milestone
example: My milestone
description (optional)
String The description of the milestone
example: Release of version 2.0
color (optional)
String The color of the milestone in hexadecimal form
example: #FF9641
date (optional)
String The date of the milestone
type (optional)
String The type of milestone
projectId (optional)
String The Project ID (if the milestone belongs to a project)
example: 5f06d9420a3f16b6af30e6c6
projectName (optional)
String The Project name (if the milestone belongs to a project)
example: Sample Project
projectNumber (optional)
String The Project number (if the milestone belongs to a project)
example: 13946
projectIsTemplate (optional)
String If the project is a template or not (if the milestone belongs to a project)
projectColor (optional)
String The Project color (if the milestone belongs to a project)
example: #BA4598

OrgAbilitiesResponse Up

orgId (optional)
String The ID of the workspace
example: 5fb3916e05ce5c091f1a9557
canDelete (optional)
String If the workspace can be deleted or not

ProjectResponse Up

The linked projects
id (optional)
String The ID of the project
example: 59d24e0763bb924e0e012761
name (optional)
String The name of the project
example: My project

ScheduleStatusRequestBody Up

The schedule status
title (optional)
String The title
example: Pending
color (optional)
String The color
example: #ff99dd
type (optional)
String The type

ScheduleStatusResponse Up

The schedule status
title (optional)
String The title
example: Pending
color (optional)
String The color
example: #ff99dd
type (optional)
String The type
example: unconfirmed

SubprojectResponse Up

The linked subprojects
id (optional)
String The ID of the subproject
example: 59d24e0b63bb924e0e012762
name (optional)
String The name of the subproject
example: My subproject

Tag Up

name (optional)
weak (optional)

TaskResponse Up

The linked tasks
id (optional)
String The ID of the task
example: 59b14a05d3d42bc1f9b30492
name (optional)
String The name of the task
example: My task

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