Create your own Custom Task Statuses

Use Custom Task Statuses to summarise the state of a task.

Why say ¨In progress¨ when you really mean you are ¨Rehearsing Magic Show¨.

You can write Custom Statuses on the fly, or use them as part of a workflow with Task Tempaltes .

Set up Custom Statuses using Task Templates

You can create custom statuses for each Task Template.

Task templates are created at Workspace level, and Workspace administrator permissions are required to be able to set up and continue Task templates. 

To learn more about Workspaces and Task templates, have a look to our tutorial videos. 

Go to Workspaces, and click through to your Task Template and on Custom statuses tab.

Type a name for your new status (e.g Waiting for Media, Recording, Waiting Approval) and click on ¨Add Status¨.

In the next window, choose the type, and color for your custom status. 

Status of type ¨In Progress¨ will show the play icon in your chosen colour, Status of type ¨On Hold¨ will show the pause icon. 

In any task with this template applied you can select it from status selector as you would a standard status.

Ad-hoc Custom Statuses

It is also possible to make a quick update to a status title when you change it. 

Update the name (¨Status") by editing this field in the confirmation window while setting a status to your tasks.
This will then show in the Inspector for your status.

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